Monday, June 28, 2010

Can thoughts & emotions change our body chemistry?

Biocognition Podcast, Mario Martinez:

I just came across a great podcast by clinical neuropsychologist, Mario Martinez called "The Mind-Body Code". Martinez expands on the field of psychoimmunology-- the concept that mind and body are inseparable and that our thoughts and emotions can influence our immune and nervous system, and coins the term, "Biocognition". Biocognition factors in our cultural environment, as well as mystical theology.

Martinez states that based on his cross-cultural research, people can only be wounded in 3 ways:
1. Shame
2. Abandonment
3. Betrayal

He says that we all walk around every day carrying the psychoimmunology of one of these processes. I take it to be like a psychological imprint that is learned very early on in life, usually taught to us by people that are very important to us (parent, loved one, etc). This imprint colors our reality, and influences how we perceive and act in this world. For example: Your significant other leaves for a long weekend vacation with his/her friends without you. In a healthy relationship, this event should be neutral. Yes, the partner will be missed for a week, but you should be able to continue functioning normally and welcome the partner home when they return. If you have a history of abandonment, this event becomes more drastic than it should. You may feel as if your partner has left for good, and feel inappropriately sad or overwhelmed with loss. Martinez says that this is you dumping your history on to the moment.

Biocognition theory and recent research studies have shown that these imprints/emotions not only affect our relationships and perceptions of the world, but also directly influence our immune system and nervous system, thereby contributing to development of illness and disease. Based on research summarized in Martinez' podcast, each of the 3 wounds create different and specific biochemical reactions in our bodies:

1. Shame & Betrayal: release inflammatory products just like the body would in response to a physical wound to heal and protect itself. However, chronic over-production of inflammatory products lead to disease (particularly cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, also arthritic conditions). Inflammation is now being studied as a common underlying factor in many chronic diseases.
2. Abandonment: fight or flight response. Tends to release cortisol = stress hormone.

The good news is, that we can also use the power of our minds to reverse and heal this maladaptive pattern and skewed perception of the world. He talks about embodying or feeling the physical reaction when these emotions are triggered and then re-empowering the self using relaxation and meditative techniques. HONOR to treat shame, COMMITMENT to treat abandonment, and LOYALTY to treat betrayal. He recommends doing this work with a trained professional (therapist, etc) who understands this work.

The chemistry of our bodies can change with healing thoughts. We must first learn to recognize our diseased thoughts, and then prescribe ourselves healthy, healing thoughts. He also stresses that it is more than just thought and intentions. These must be followed actions and cleaning of wounds.

Listen to the podcast:

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